4 Things You Should Never Tell Clients about SEO


1.Don’t tell clients that SEO is a one-time task.

2.Don’t give clients a free SEO audit of their website. We all know that it’s not an SEO audit, it’s a quick review of their website to point out a few issues that you find. Proper SEO audits take hours, if not days, to complete. I don’t work for free, and I wouldn’t expect any SEO or SEO salesperson to work for free, as well. Call it what it is: an SEO review, not an SEO audit.

3. Don’t promise better rankings for certain keywords. Generally there shouldn’t be specific promises. If you’re selling a promise that they’ll rank for certain keywords, then don’t bother selling SEO services. You’re not doing the business any favors. No one can promise rankings for certain keywords, as they have no control over the search engine results. That’s what PPC is for.

4. Don’t make up answers to tough SEO questions. Too many times I’ve heard SEO salespeople provide an answer to a technical SEO question, and it’s not correct. SEO is tough, and is confusing at times. It’s always better to tell the client that you’ll get the answer for them. Then go get the right answer for them.

These 72 things you should know before selling SEO services is just a start. There are all sorts of selling techniques, and I won’t go into how to actually sell SEO services to companies or local businesses. However, I believe that the more someone knows about SEO the better off they are – and the easier it is to sell.

Selling SEO services is tough because the rules are always changing. And it can be confusing at times. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver stellar ROI for customers.


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