Things only people living in Nigeria can understand

Things only people living in Nigeria can understand

Nigeria is a very unique country and if you haven’t lived there you may not understand some of the things you see or hear. Most of the time it’s funny but sometimes some of the things are really scary.

Now let’s get down to business and list things only people who has been to Nigeria or lived in Nigeria will understand.

1.  NEPA: I bet some of you will be wondering what this means but not to worry because I’m going to explain it. NEPA is a national agency handling electricity in Nigeria, even though the name has been changed so many times, from NEPA to PHCN to IBEDEC, NEPA is still the name most household call the authority. Due to the instability of electricity in Nigeria getting some few hours of electricity is a treat to most Nigerians therefore anytime they see light they shout up NEPA in that area. Even a day old baby knows what up NEPA is in Nigeria. If you want to trick a Nigerian just shout up NEPA in the dark and watch him look up.

2.  Danfo/Conductor: I bet it’s only in Nigeria you will see this. Danfo is a type of bus used to take people from one place to another but the funny aspect of this danfo/conductor of a thing is that; two people operate a danfo, the driver and the conductor. A conductor is an advertising person usually a male, he hangs on the bus and tells people the direction and price of the bus. The slang associated with them is ‘No change’ because they never have change, some of them are very funny and will make you laugh till you reach your destination others are very mean and you don’t want to interfere with them.

3.  Owambe: Nigerians are ceremonious in nature; any good thing that happens to them is follow by a ceremony. Owambe is a term used to refer to any big ceremony you go. The most interesting part of owambe party is that you can gatecrash, you just have to play your game right and pretend you know someone in the party and you will eat to your satisfaction on that day, you might even collect gifts.

4.  Bribery: There is a saying that you can’t survive without bribing in Nigeria well the saying is somehow true. From police to securities to school authorities, you name them. You have to bribe you way through unless you want them to waste you precious time.

5.  Superstitious: Every evil things that happens to a Nigerian is always associated with devil’s work, a Nigerian will never believe what happens to them is their fault. They will always find the fault to be blamed on superstitious non-living things.

6.  Gossiper: Nigerians don’t always mind their business that’s why your neighbor, a complete stranger can come to your house uninvited and started gisting you about Nigeria economy and how Buhari has been suffering everybody, they are the one that will tell you how the other neighbors are not good and that you should not interact with them.

To this we have come to the end of this article. You are free to add your own in the comment box below.


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