Only those that attend public secondary school in Nigeria can relate

Only those that attend public secondary school in Nigeria can relate

Attending public secondary school in Nigeria is a lot different from other countries. There is distinct aura that makes you feel like, this is really Nigeria.
In this article I’m going to delve deeper into distinct features that makes Nigeria public secondary schools stand out.

1.  Uniform: The first unique thing that is associated with Nigeria public secondary schools is the uniform. The uniform is a dressing code of each school, different schools with different fashion/styles of uniform varying in colours ranging from red, white, blue, brown to lilac, green, and pink.

2.  Low cut hair: It doesn’t matter where you are from, whether rich or humble background so far you find yourself in Nigeria public secondary school; you have to cut your hair.  This is not only for the boys; the girls as well must undergo this tradition.

3.  Discipline: Teachers are not only in school to teach students, but also to order, correct and punish them. Any student caught disobeying the schools rules and regulations will be punished. Punishment can be in form of beating with canes on the buttock or palm of the hands. Student can also be sent to clean school toilet, school farm, surroundings, etc as a form of punishment. Depending on the level of disobedience committed, some students are suspended or expelled.

4.  Greetings: As a custom all students must stand up to greet any teacher that comes into their classroom. If you are within the school environs, you must greet and teachers or staff you pass by.

5.   Assembly: At exactly 8 a.m. the assembly bell goes off and every student gathered in front of the school for praise and worship. The assembly prefect prays after which the national and school anthem are recited, everyone matches to his/her classroom.

6.  Cleanliness: Students are responsible for the neatness of their schools. Once you are in public secondary school, forget about any employed helpers to clean up your school environment or classroom because it’s now your duty as a student.

7.  Late comers: In Nigeria any student that arrive school after 8 a.m. is labeled as late-corner and will be punish in any of the above mentioned discipline.

8.  Culture: There is this believe in Nigeria that left hand brings bad luck, so anything you do, do not use left hand. That doesn’t mean there are no left hand student in school, what I mean is that you don’t raise your left and to answer a question or to give something to your teacher; it is consider rude.

9.  Classrooms setting: I have watched many foreign movies and I see that high students move from one classroom to another to attend classes. Such is the opposite in Nigeria secondary school; it is teacher that moves from one classroom to another to teach students.

Which of the above do you think is barbaric and should be abolished? Feel free to tell me in the comment section below.


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