Roles of Prefect in secondary schools in Nigeria

Roles of Prefect in secondary schools in Nigeria

Nothing gives you more joy than being elected as a prefect, it makes you feel like a boss and many students use it to their capability. To be elected as a prefect is not something easy or trivial, you have to be hardworking, smart, neat, outspoken, and many other positive features.

Now let’s get down to business and list the names and roles of prefect.

1.     Senior/Head prefect: This is most respectable of all prefects. It is the highest post in the hierarchy, after the teachers and staff of school this person is next in line. His/her role is to ensure that all other prefects are doing their work properly.

2.     Assistance Senior/Head prefect: As the name implies, The person heading this position work alongside with the Head prefect. He/she offer assistance in case the head prefect is indisposed.

3.     Labour prefect: This is the only position with many students. Their job is to ensure that the surroundings of the school are tidy. Toilets, school assembly, staff rooms, principal’s office, laboratory, etc. must be cleaned.

4.     Health prefect: The role of the person elected for this position is to attend to any sick student by taking them to the school clinic.

5.     Social prefect: social prefect and the assistance social prefect represent the school in debates and completions within and outside of the school. The students elected for this position are smart and intelligent; they win awards and trophies for the school.

6.     Assembly prefect: The student in this position offers the praises and worship on the assembly ground every morning.

7.     Stylist prefect: There roles is to check on student dressing from head to toe. From uniform to hair to socks, it must be according to dress code.

8.     Cultural prefect: Their roles is just like the social prefect but theirs is anything culture related, like cultural dances, plays, etc

9.     Food and Nutrition prefect: The student in this role enjoys free food for the rest of his/her tenure. All food brought to the food vendor for selling to students will first be examined by the food & nut prefect to make sure it’s safe for consumption.

10. Sport prefect: All sports activities are carried out by the student in this position. He/she sign up athletic students for games practices. They also go for school sport competitions and win trophies for the school.

Back in those days I was the social prefect, and it was fun as we (with my assistance) go from one school to another to represent our school. I remember that time we won a refrigerator, for once I thought they would allow us take it home, lol.

Share your experience as a prefect in your school in the comment box below.


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