Things people won’t tell you about Nigerians

Things people won’t tell you about Nigerians

It hurts to see only negative things been depict about Nigeria, just because of some bad eggs doesn’t mean all are bad. Nigerians are interesting people and below are some of the things people won’t tell you about her.

1.  Survivor: Nigerians are able to endure hardship which can be seen by way the country is, over 50% living below one dollar per day. Not only that, the most dangerous and deadly roads are in Nigeria which many people had to pass through every day. What about health facilities? Nigeria has zero to none except for the rich and average class. Let talk about clean water, water is so scarce in some places in Nigeria that you have to drink unclean river water. All these are the reasons Nigerians are called survivors because with all these they are still strong.

2.  Happy: With all the things listed above most Nigerians are still happy with their lives and wouldn’t dream of committing suicide like most frustrated people in developed countries do. 

3.  Kind: If you have ever been to Nigeria you will see how kind Nigerians are, they will go to so much length to make sure you are comfortable. Even if they don’t understand your language they will find a way to understand what you are saying. If you are lost Nigeria will find a way to bring you back.

4.  Humorous: This is most interesting about Nigerians; its like joke is in their DNA. They joke about almost anything from politics to celebrities, you mention it. There is a saying that never take anything a Nigerian tells you personally because it might be a joke.

5.  Scared: This is why it is hard to find any scientific breakthrough in Nigeria because everyone is scared of death. The economy in Nigeria may be worse but her citizens are afraid of anything that can take them away from earth.

6.  Better Nigeria: Nigeria citizens wish for a better country and they are hoping Nigeria will be better soon even though there are no laid plans, Nigerians look forward to a seeing a better tomorrow.

7.  Love foreigners: Nigerians are fascinated with foreign people especially if they are whites. They can move heaven and earth for them to feel comfortable and at home.

8.  Dislike Nigeria: An average Nigerian dislike her country and wish they weren’t born there. If any developed countries offer a free entry to Nigerians close to 90% will embark on the journey and never look back.

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