Some facts about Nigerian moms

Some facts about Nigerian moms

Nigerian moms are a different set of species. When I think of them I just feel amused. There are things they do that to someone outside it will seem crazy but it’s the day to day life in Nigeria.

Below I have put together what makes Nigerian mom special. Without wasting time, here they are:

The very thing you observe in a Nigerian mom is her bargaining skills. If you ever followed your mother to the market believe me you won’t want to repeat that encounter except you are being forced to. Nigerian moms can bargain on one good for hours just because of N10 different and you will be there wondering what this is all about but that N10 means a lot to them.

Nigerian moms don’t believe in one on one conversation to correct children, they would rather spank you until you yield to what they want or become a better person. They even tell your teachers to spank you if you misbehave or not doing well in class. All this doesn’t mean they love you less; they just want the best for you.

It is only Nigerian mom that I know can make conversation without speaking, they use their eye and they want you to understand what they say. The eye conversation is mostly used when they have visitors around and they don’t what the visitor to know what they are telling you.

Nigerian moms believe in the words of God so it is a must to pray if not you will be tagged the devil’s child, lol.

Once you have a Nigerian mom you won’t be spare the task of house chores. Anybody in the house has their own house chores so its better you stick with yours.

Nigerian moms are great and wonderful; they want the best for their kids which is why they will do anything for the success of their children even go to the length of not eating for days or even selling their clothes to pay for their kids examination.
As a Nigerian anything that hurts you hurts your mother, she feels the pain too. So always remember your mom if you want to hurt yourself.

If you have ever tasted Nigerian mom’s food you won’t want to eat outside of that again, believe me. Nigerian moms are the greatest cook in the world.

What do you think is great about your mother? Please add yours to the comment section below.


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