Types of people you meet at the bus station in Nigeria

When you are in Nigeria there is no dull moment. The unique thing about Nigerians is how they feel free to talk to stranger and before you know it they are getting along. In the below article I have written the types of people you are likely to encounter at a bus station in Nigeria.

1.  The talkatives: this ones don't mind there business they believe they can talk to anybody that stand at the bus station. Their talk ranges from politics to weather condition to sports, etc they are the one that will tell you Buhari's government is a lair, like you don't read the newspaper. Some people got along with them whereas some will just leave them to their talk, when is the category I belong.

2.  The one without money or short change: this ones are professional beggars or could we say cooperate beggars. They will come to you with a sob stories of how they lost their money and how where they are going is important. They will frustrate you until you yield to their demands, which is to give them money. The funniest part is that if you look around after given them the money you won't see them again, they are long gone.

3.  The Pickpockets: this are the petty theft category they are their to steal your possessions, be it money or chain or watch or anything within their reach. They will steal it from you without you noticing. Many victims of this incident gets to know what has befalling them when they reach their various destination.

4.  The Toaster: this are the jobless category, they have nothing to do other than to be chasing anything in skirt at the bus station. They will be doing all sort to things like whistling, smiling at you just to get your attention.

5.  The Phone Caller: this ones behave as if the were MTN customer care service. It's like the bus station is the hotspot for their phone calls to start coming in. They talk on the phone from the bus station to their last destination.

6.  The Newspaper guy: this ones just want to make their daily bread, they are there to hustle.

Which of the categories do you belong and which of these attitudes do you find annoying?

Comment below.
How Drinking Water Saved My Life

So I was taking a nap this evening when I felt I couldn't breathe very well. Instead of breathing through my stomach I was doing it through my lungs. Within a minute I was using so much efforts to take in air to my lungs. Like my windpipe is closing up, I didn't know exactly what to do because this has never happened to me before.

As I was struggling to take in air (breathe) I saw a glass of water on my bedside drawer, I took it and it was like a miracle. Inches by inches my windpipe start to dilate and I could breathe properly again.

I never have a history of asthma but I have witness a case of asthma where the patient finds it difficult to breathe and take dose of inhaler.

I also understand that there are things that triggers asthma, like dust, allergies, cold weather, etc. But nothing like that occur when I have this incident today.

This episode that happened to me today has it happened to anyone here before, if yes what was the steps taking? Did it occur more than once or it was just a one time thing like my case.
Why is Sacrifice Made Before Burying Someone that Drowned in Water

My neighbor, a woman was drowned few days ago due to heavy rainfall. Her body was found 3 days later in a near by river across our street.

What surprises me is that when they want bury her, etutu (sacrifice) was performed by osun people (they wore white and in beads). This woman I'm talking about was a Muslim o. She has even gone to Mecca before.

Can anybody here tell me why it is done?

What happens if they don't do the sacrifice and just bury her like that?

Is this peculiar to only Yoruba tribe?

I need your comments if you have answers to these questions above. Thanks.
26 Common Slangs Used in Nigeria

Image result for naija

If you've ever been friend with a Nigerian or you live in Nigeria you would have heard a lots of this words from Nigerian  when having a conversation. Some of it has English dialect, yes because English in Nigeria official language.
Not to waste much of your time, let me list some words/slangs only Nigerians can understand.

1.  Naso: it is an expression use to make an agreement or saying yes in a sarcastic way.

2.  Nawa/Oga o: this is used to express pity.

3.  Is coming: this is used to say "you will wait forever".

4.  Sempe: Sempe means be calm or cool down.

5.  Osaprapra/Osaproper: use to mean very good or excellent.

6.  Oga: Oga means your boss or someone superior to you.

7.  Better life: this is another word for 50 naira.

8.  Ajebutter/Butty: this is someone born with a silver spoon.

9.  Pako: this is the opposite of ajebutter, meaning someone from a poor background.

10. Mumu: this is often use by Nigerians and you would have heard it so many times. The word means to be stupid or acting silly.

11. Kolo: kolo means to be mental or crazy.

12. Yanga/carry shoulder: Meaning to be proud or to have pride.

13. Jara: this is also use so many times by Nigerians when buying food/goods. It means add more in a polite way.

14. Yawa: yawa means to be trouble.

15. Igi-iwe: this is use to refer to someone brilliant or a genius.

16. Olodo: this is the opposite of igi-iwe. It means someone dull.

17. Yansh: yansh is another word for bottom.

18. Shakara: this is an expression use to mean someone is pretending.

19. Alaye/chairman: this is an exaggerated word use in hailing someone. It means saying you are the boss.

20. Pikin: this is very famous, used most of the time. Pikin means a kid or children.

21. Oya: another famous expression. Oya is use at the beginning of sentence to emphasis words, it can also means to say/do something quickly.

22. Obodo oyinbo: this means going to a foreign land/travel abroad.

23. Kasala bust: means secrets is out.

24. Alele: alele means run.

25. Lailai: this famous expression means never.

26. Ba: when Ba is used at the end of a sentence it mean 'right'. E.g I know right? Translate to I know ba?
Some things our mother made us believe was true as a kid

While growing up our mother made us believe some scary stuff which aren’t true but at the time we believe them. Below are the list:


1.  Eating inside pot: Because of how lazy we were when young we prefer to eat inside the pot to avoid cleaning dishes or clean less dishes, I guess this why our moms brought this idea that if someone eats inside pot the person will be dull and won’t know their books. That fear made us start eating with plate. At the time we don’t know it’s a lie but we believed it.

2.  Eating while standing: It isn’t even a proper etiquette to eat while standing up but because we are in a rush to finish our food and go outside to play. Therefore our brought the idea that whoever eat while standing will not be satisfied or filled even if the person eats 10 plates of food, very funny right? But we believed it at the time.

3.  Hands in rain: This is one scary one. Because our mom don’t want us to catch cold or anything they brought this idea that thunder will strike if someone use hard to fetch rain so that makes stay indoor when it’s raining. Who doesn’t fear thunder, this alone made us run indoor whenever we see the clouds change.

4. Using stick to make line: I once did this before and I had to clear all the lines I made on the ground on that day when I hear that whoever use stick to draw lines on the ground, the person’s mother will dead. It wasn’t funny that day when I started erasing everything up.

5.  Making loud noise when it’s sunny: If you ever did this you are calling upon snakes to visit you, scary huh? So never make loud noise whenever you see the sun up. It’s funny that till today some adults even believed this.

Although the list should be longer than this but these are the ones I remember now, I’ll be adding to it once I know more. Which of these do you believe as a kid and would never dare to do? Let’s hear you in the comment box below.

Some facts about Nigerian moms

Nigerian moms are a different set of species. When I think of them I just feel amused. There are things they do that to someone outside it will seem crazy but it’s the day to day life in Nigeria.

Below I have put together what makes Nigerian mom special. Without wasting time, here they are:


The very thing you observe in a Nigerian mom is her bargaining skills. If you ever followed your mother to the market believe me you won’t want to repeat that encounter except you are being forced to. Nigerian moms can bargain on one good for hours just because of N10 different and you will be there wondering what this is all about but that N10 means a lot to them.

Nigerian moms don’t believe in one on one conversation to correct children, they would rather spank you until you yield to what they want or become a better person. They even tell your teachers to spank you if you misbehave or not doing well in class. All this doesn’t mean they love you less; they just want the best for you.

It is only Nigerian mom that I know can make conversation without speaking, they use their eye and they want you to understand what they say. The eye conversation is mostly used when they have visitors around and they don’t what the visitor to know what they are telling you.

Nigerian moms believe in the words of God so it is a must to pray if not you will be tagged the devil’s child, lol.

Once you have a Nigerian mom you won’t be spare the task of house chores. Anybody in the house has their own house chores so its better you stick with yours.

Nigerian moms are great and wonderful; they want the best for their kids which is why they will do anything for the success of their children even go to the length of not eating for days or even selling their clothes to pay for their kids examination.
As a Nigerian anything that hurts you hurts your mother, she feels the pain too. So always remember your mom if you want to hurt yourself.

If you have ever tasted Nigerian mom’s food you won’t want to eat outside of that again, believe me. Nigerian moms are the greatest cook in the world.

What do you think is great about your mother? Please add yours to the comment section below.

The high authorities in Nigeria

Sometimes living in Nigeria has its own price as there are some people you don’t want to step on their toes. Apparently if you mind you own business and go your own way you will be just fine.

Below are the lists of some authorities in Nigeria that you don’t want to mess with.


1.  Police: Police are supposed to be you friend but unfortunately it’s the opposite in Nigeria. Those guys aren’t smiling and they can do and undo if you don’t cooperate with them. The deep corruption seated in Nigeria makes the system corrupt, an average policeman don’t joke with their bribe and if care is not taken ordinary N50 can lead one to prison.

2.  Soldier: Tell me who doesn’t fear soldier in Nigeria, those men are scary only God knows where they undergo their training even the police fear them.

3.  NEPA: Except you own a filling station or better yet you have lots of money to power up generator, you don’t mess with the NEPA authority in your area unless you want to witness blackout for months, years even. 

4.  Politicians: This set of people make the rules in Nigeria so they can either make you or break you.

5.  SARS: Recently introduced to Nigeria by the Buhari’s government. Their role is to fish out internet fraudster. It was worse when they were first introduced, they will just stop you on the street and start searching you. You will be arrested if they find any incriminating object on you or in your phone. They are kind of lenient now that the government has interfered.

Feel I didn’t do justification to the above list? You can add your list in the comment box below.
Things people won’t tell you about Nigerians

It hurts to see only negative things been depict about Nigeria, just because of some bad eggs doesn’t mean all are bad. Nigerians are interesting people and below are some of the things people won’t tell you about her.


1.  Survivor: Nigerians are able to endure hardship which can be seen by way the country is, over 50% living below one dollar per day. Not only that, the most dangerous and deadly roads are in Nigeria which many people had to pass through every day. What about health facilities? Nigeria has zero to none except for the rich and average class. Let talk about clean water, water is so scarce in some places in Nigeria that you have to drink unclean river water. All these are the reasons Nigerians are called survivors because with all these they are still strong.

2.  Happy: With all the things listed above most Nigerians are still happy with their lives and wouldn’t dream of committing suicide like most frustrated people in developed countries do. 

3.  Kind: If you have ever been to Nigeria you will see how kind Nigerians are, they will go to so much length to make sure you are comfortable. Even if they don’t understand your language they will find a way to understand what you are saying. If you are lost Nigeria will find a way to bring you back.

4.  Humorous: This is most interesting about Nigerians; its like joke is in their DNA. They joke about almost anything from politics to celebrities, you mention it. There is a saying that never take anything a Nigerian tells you personally because it might be a joke.

5.  Scared: This is why it is hard to find any scientific breakthrough in Nigeria because everyone is scared of death. The economy in Nigeria may be worse but her citizens are afraid of anything that can take them away from earth.

6.  Better Nigeria: Nigeria citizens wish for a better country and they are hoping Nigeria will be better soon even though there are no laid plans, Nigerians look forward to a seeing a better tomorrow.

7.  Love foreigners: Nigerians are fascinated with foreign people especially if they are whites. They can move heaven and earth for them to feel comfortable and at home.

8.  Dislike Nigeria: An average Nigerian dislike her country and wish they weren’t born there. If any developed countries offer a free entry to Nigerians close to 90% will embark on the journey and never look back.

Please comment in box below and let me know what you think of this article. You can also add your opinion, thanks.
What government can do to make Nigerians abroad come back home

Not all Nigerians you see abroad in any country are happy with living there, some of them just want to come home but unfortunately they are scared of the situation in Nigeria.

Below I have written 5 things the government can do to make more Nigerians abroad come back home.

What government can do to make Nigerians abroad come back home

1.  Electricity: The first thing every Nigerians what to see when they come home is stable electricity, I mean 24 hours of uninterrupted light. Imagine someone that has been living with constant supply of electricity now came back to Nigeria only to see everywhere dark it will be a turn off for the person, believe me. Some of them even want to create employment opportunity when they arrive but electricity is a huge problem.

2.  Security: Nobody wants to come to Nigeria and get kidnap for ransom and get robbed of their hard earned money. Government need to step up their game in term of security.

3.  Health: The health sector at the moment in Nigeria is an eye sore. No insurance, no basic health care facilities. If the government wants her people to come back to Nigeria this should be rectify.

4.  Road construction: Bad roads, potholes everywhere on the street don’t give good image of a country and it worsens when rain falls. Drainage system in Nigeria is nothing to write about as it gets totally worse during the rainy season which most of the time leads to flooding. The government needs to do something about this.

5.  Jobs: Unavailability of jobs and no dignity of labour makes most Nigerians leave the country in the first place, especially those in health field. If the government provides job watch as many Nigerians will flood home.

Which of the above do you think is the most important and should be solved first? Feel free to add you own opinion in the comment section below.

Things only people living in Nigeria can understand

Nigeria is a very unique country and if you haven’t lived there you may not understand some of the things you see or hear. Most of the time it’s funny but sometimes some of the things are really scary.

Now let’s get down to business and list things only people who has been to Nigeria or lived in Nigeria will understand.


1.  NEPA: I bet some of you will be wondering what this means but not to worry because I’m going to explain it. NEPA is a national agency handling electricity in Nigeria, even though the name has been changed so many times, from NEPA to PHCN to IBEDEC, NEPA is still the name most household call the authority. Due to the instability of electricity in Nigeria getting some few hours of electricity is a treat to most Nigerians therefore anytime they see light they shout up NEPA in that area. Even a day old baby knows what up NEPA is in Nigeria. If you want to trick a Nigerian just shout up NEPA in the dark and watch him look up.

2.  Danfo/Conductor: I bet it’s only in Nigeria you will see this. Danfo is a type of bus used to take people from one place to another but the funny aspect of this danfo/conductor of a thing is that; two people operate a danfo, the driver and the conductor. A conductor is an advertising person usually a male, he hangs on the bus and tells people the direction and price of the bus. The slang associated with them is ‘No change’ because they never have change, some of them are very funny and will make you laugh till you reach your destination others are very mean and you don’t want to interfere with them.

3.  Owambe: Nigerians are ceremonious in nature; any good thing that happens to them is follow by a ceremony. Owambe is a term used to refer to any big ceremony you go. The most interesting part of owambe party is that you can gatecrash, you just have to play your game right and pretend you know someone in the party and you will eat to your satisfaction on that day, you might even collect gifts.

4.  Bribery: There is a saying that you can’t survive without bribing in Nigeria well the saying is somehow true. From police to securities to school authorities, you name them. You have to bribe you way through unless you want them to waste you precious time.

5.  Superstitious: Every evil things that happens to a Nigerian is always associated with devil’s work, a Nigerian will never believe what happens to them is their fault. They will always find the fault to be blamed on superstitious non-living things.

6.  Gossiper: Nigerians don’t always mind their business that’s why your neighbor, a complete stranger can come to your house uninvited and started gisting you about Nigeria economy and how Buhari has been suffering everybody, they are the one that will tell you how the other neighbors are not good and that you should not interact with them.

To this we have come to the end of this article. You are free to add your own in the comment box below.